Students join Police in campaign against crime

GASABO - The Rwanda national police yesterday, conducted a public debate competition on the role of youth in fighting crime. The debate which took place at the police headquarters in Kacyiru brought together students from Lyce de Kigali, FAWE girls, Green hills academy, Kigali International Community School (KICS) and Riviera High School. “We have to involve the youth in crime prevention since some are the victims and others are caught in between. They are our prime priorities in fighting genocide dogma, gender based violence and drug abuse,” Superintendent Emmanuel Butera, the head of community policing told reporters.
The acting Commissioner General of Police, Mary Gahonzire, and the Director of Community Policing Emmanuel Butera with some of  the students who took part in the debate. (Photo/ J. Mbanda).
The acting Commissioner General of Police, Mary Gahonzire, and the Director of Community Policing Emmanuel Butera with some of the students who took part in the debate. (Photo/ J. Mbanda).
Times Reporter