So, many of us haven’t yet decided what we want to be in the future, others have and are settling in well for the future. I am one of those people who haven’t decided yet. I mean my favourite subject is biology and I like writing so I’m still figuring it out. Sometimes our parents and family tell us what we need to be in the future because of what success looks like at that particular time. Some people who are now adults perhaps wanted to be something completely different in the past, and are now doing something else and loving it. Life can take you on a different journey from what you initially intended. Most of us give up on our talents or dreams because someone told us that what we are trying to achieve is impossible, or that we’ll never be as good. More often, some adults try to project their fears on children, meaning just because they couldn’t achieve a certain goal in the past, it’s impossible for the child to do it too. If it’s something you really love or are good at why let anyone else stop you? If it is not easy in the beginning, don’t give up — you can learn a lot with time and get better at it. Never give up on something you really love and want to do. I don’t think any of the successful people in life made it by giving up. A great example is our only female neuro surgeon, Claire Karekezi, who really inspires me to work hard at sciences. I am sure she did not find it easy at all, but she never gave up on her dream and succeeded in the end. If you’re that person whose dream requires you to do something you have never done before, it can be scary. Just go for it because if your dreams aren’t scary then you’re not dreaming big enough. Just remember that there’s no dream too big. Karabo is an 11-year-old Grade 9 student at Nu-Vision High School.