PUBLIC NOTICE This is to inform the general public that the listed personnel are no longer employees of Mount Meru Petroleum (R) Limited. They no longer represent Mount Meru Petroleum and are not allowed to do any business transactions on behalf of the company. Anyone who deals with them will be doing it at his or her own risk. REWARD offered on ANY INFORMATION on below candidates is appreciated. Kindly CONTACT ON: +250 783 984 882 (L-R) Emmanuel Rurangwa, Rene Igiraneza, and Peter Bajyanama Ntwali. / Courtesy Mr. Emmanuel Rurangwa ID No: 1199380062583193 Age: 26 years old Position: Nyagatare Station Manager -- Mr. Rene Igiraneza ID No: 1199580024587061 Age: 24 years old Position: Kayonza Station Manager -- Mr. Peter Bajyanama Ntwali ID No: 1198680044055059 Age: 33 years old Position: Rwamagana Station Manager