Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) is investigating a cruel incident in which two cows belonging to Damascène Nkabanabashaka, a resident of Mushubati Sector, Rutsiro District, were attacked and severely injured on Monday night. The cattle were cut in the limbs, tails and several other parts of the body. According to Christophe Mudahemuka, the Executive Secretary of Mushubati Sector, considering the injuries, the animals were deemed for slaughter since they were not in good health. Without revealing details RIB told The New Times confirmed the arrest of Evariste Nkinamubanzi, the suspect for the crime. According to RIB, the suspect is being held at Gihango RIB Station in Rutsiro District and investigations are ongoing. Mudahemuka said that the crime might have been prompted by an incident in which Nkinamubanzi lost his phone and blamed its theft on Nkabanabashaka with whom they were sharing a drink in a bar on Monday night. According to Mudahemuka, Nkinamubanzi might have left the bar with anger which prompted him to take revenge by attacking his friend’s cattle the same night. Attacks on cattle are not new in Rwanda. In March this year, a horrible attack was launched on 12 cows belonging to Kabera Ndabarinze, a citizen of Gakamba Village, Mulinga Cell, Mulinga Sector in Nyabihu District Western Province.