The event was organized to recognize the clients and wish them Happy New Year 2019

The event was organized to recognize the clients and wish them Happy New Year 2019.Sam Ngendahimana

RSSB General Director Richard Tushabe (L) and Agaciro Divelopment Fund's Jack Kayonga the Chief Executive Officer(R) during the event .Sam Ngendahimana

RSSB General Director Richard Tushabe gives his remarks

SONARWA General Chairperson Iza Irame addresses the event.Sam Ngendahimana

SONARWA 's board

SONARWA Life Chief Executive Officer Aurore Mimosa Munyangaju speaks to the clients during the event .Sam Ngendahimana

SONARWA General chairperson Iza Irame , SONARWA Life Chief Executive Officer Aurore Mimosa Munyangaju, and RSSB General Manager Richard Tushabe during the event.Sam Ngendahimana