Today all I want to do is encourage every child to be real as you study. Real kids are always eager to learn new things because in this way, they can develop their minds and be able to live a better life.Just like the Bible says, “My people perish because they lack Knowledge,” I would not want any kid to perish because of ignorance. All children have the ability to learn and did you know that the human brain can store more material than a computer? Just imagine this! So, when you go to school, do not think that only the bright students have good brains. This is not entirely true because every brain is able to store so much information than you can imagine. All you have to do is pay attention in class, revise your books in order to update your minds and share your knowledge. Then do not forget to relax. Remember the proverb, “Work without play makes Jack a dull boy.” Your brain needs to rest just like computers which are shut down to rest. Otherwise they crush. You don’t want your brain to crush because of an overload, don’t you? With this, I wish all real kids to go learn knowledge and use it for your own good, the good of others and the country at large. Ends