Many people spend their free time on Google trying to find out the foods one needs to consume to avoid cancer. Dr Tejinder Singh, an oncologist with Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai, has a few tips on what to eat to avoid the dreaded disease. Always try to encourage healthy eating to prevent cancer. Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help you maintain a healthy body weight, which can lower your risk in a variety of ways. And, if you have been diagnosed with cancer, eating well can positively support treatment and help you live well after treatment. It is also important to not consume food that is high in calories and fats. Foods with added sugars and fats can cause weight gain and increase the risk of cancer. Embark on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Dedicate half your plate to a variety of naturally nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Eating oranges, berries, peas, bell peppers, dark leafy greens and other foods high in Vitamin C can lower risk of certain cancers. Eating large amounts of processed meat can slightly increase the risk of certain types of cancer Eat fibre rich foods. Fibre is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plays a key role in keeping your digestive system clean and healthy. It helps keep cancer-causing compounds moving through your digestive tract away before they create harm. Eating a diet high in fibre may help prevent colorectal cancer and other common digestive system cancers, including stomach, mouth, and pharynx. When cooking vegetables, steam only until tender. This method preserves more of the vitamins. Overcooking vegetables removes many of the vitamins and minerals. If you do boil vegetables, use the cooking water as a soup or another dish to ensure you get all the vitamins. Be careful when cooking meat. Burning meats creates carcinogenic substances. If you do choose to barbecue, don’t overcook the meat, and be sure to cook at the right temperature Avoid processed meats. Eating large amounts of processed meat can slightly increase the risk of certain types of cancer. To lower your risk of many types of cancer, as well as other serious diseases, aim at building your diet around a variety of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, whole grains, and healthy fats. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet and are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals, as well as fibre. Fruits and vegetables can also help you keep a healthy weight as they are relatively low in calories.