21-year-old Nikuze sets record in Koran recital competition

Nikuze reciting Koran during the competition. She competed with people from 17 African countries as the only female and emerged third.
Nikuze reciting Koran during the competition. She competed with people from 17 African countries as the only female and emerged third.
Aisha Nikuze with her parents Fatuma Nikuze and Saad Kananura.
Aisha Nikuze with her parents Fatuma Nikuze and Saad Kananura.
Aisha Nikuze was awarded a motorcycle for being one of the best Koran reciters.
Aisha Nikuze was awarded a motorcycle for being one of the best Koran reciters.
Aisha Nikuze started reading the Koran at a young age. All photos by Frederic Byumvuhore.
Aisha Nikuze started reading the Koran at a young age. All photos by Frederic Byumvuhore.