When it comes to fashion, many women like accessories that will make them ‘stand out’, and what better way is there to achieve this than holding a great bag? With the different kinds of bags on the market, cross-body bags couldn’t have come at a better time. For women who do not fancy holding handbags, the cross-body bag is perfect. Cross-body bags are a good choice, especially when you need a break from most of the popular bags seen around; however, pulling it off fashionably comes with some rules. Jacky Kwizera, a fashion stylish who owns a shoe shop in Gikondo market, says these bags have become popular and are very fashionable. “Cross-body bags are a must-have for any woman who is in love with bags. They are easily worn and mostly go with casual outfits, especially on a night out,” she says. She adds that for women who want a break from big handbags, a medium sized cross bag is the best option. The most casual look —top, jeans and sneakers — goes well with such bags. “Casual dresses also look amazing paired with cross-body bags. To finish off the look, you can wear a pair of sandals in the same colour of the bag and throw on a denim jacket,” she adds. The greatest thing about cross-body bags, fashionistas say, is that they can hold everything a woman needs with her, like a phone, lip balm, ATM card, among other things. “This is different from carrying a large handbag, because one will need to have a small purse inside the large bag to carry lighter things, like money,” says Kwizera. However, she warns that cross-body bags shouldn’t be over packed as that does not look good. This is why when using them, one needs to ensure that they carry only a few things. editorial@newtimes.co.rw