From the word S.H.A.R.E children can learn to be good friends who honour God. S—Show Kindness Kindness may mean taking homework to a sick friend, not saying mean words when you don’t agree. Kindness is shown in little things such as giving a friendly “hi” or smile to someone. (Ephesians 4:32) H—Honour Honouring your friend is putting his or her needs before yours (Philippians 2:3). To honour a friend is to care for him at all times-- not only when you are invited to play games or share candy. A—Always forgive To forgive means not to be angry anymore and not to take revenge. This is hard to do when someone hurts you but Jesus is our example and he gives us strength to forgive (Philippians 4:13). R—Remember to pray together God commands us to pray for one another because He knows it will help us become better friends in His Family (Ephesians 6:15). You can pray for one another at any time and any place. To pray is simply talking to God like He is your best friend. E—Encourage friends to do right When a single thread is pulled it easily gets torn, but if three threads are knotted together they will not easily get torn unless you cut them with a pair of scissors. The same is true with friends. One person can have difficulty making a right choice. But when two friends stand with him it is easier to do right (Ecclesiastes 4:12). “He who walks with the wise grows wise but a companion of fools suffers harm.” (Proverbs 13:20). Ends