One in 10 men aged 50 in England has a heart that is 10 years older than their actual age, a shock report from Public Health England (PHE) revealed Monday. New analysis from PHE’s Heart Age Test shows many have a heightened risk of a potentially fatal heart attack or stroke. PHE says a Heart Age Test is the only known way of measuring heart age showing how many years a person can expect to live healthily without a heart attack or stroke. The message is the higher the heart age, the higher our risk. Analysis of 1.2 million test results shows the majority of people (64 percent) with a heart 10 years older than their actual age are male. Every month, 7,400 people die from heart disease or stroke, says PHE, adding: “A quarter of deaths are of people under 75 and most of these can be prevented.” A PHE campaign throughout September is leading the way to encourage people to be as familiar with their heart age as they are with their weight or height. Xinhua