Rwanda, ICTR in talks over transfers

ARUSHA - The  Prosecutor General Martin Ngoga is currently holding talks with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), Hassan Bubacar Jallow, to address factors impeding the transfer of trial cases to Rwanda. Addressing the press in Arusha, Tanzania, Thursday, Ngoga expressed optimism that the talks would create suitable grounds to enable the transfer of Genocide cases to Rwanda. “It is a constant obligation for us to deal with new issues as they emerge and we cannot adopt a defeatist attitude. We are committed to this process,” Ngoga said. The development follows rejection of four applications by the ICTR Prosecutor to transfer suspects to stand trial in Rwanda for their roles in the 1994 Genocide.
Ngoga: Optimistic that talks will enable transfers to Rwanda. (File photo).
Ngoga: Optimistic that talks will enable transfers to Rwanda. (File photo).
Times Reporter