Umushyikirano: Rwanda growing stronger – Kagame

President Kagame described the state of the nation as strong and challenged leaders and citizens to reject complacency and work to sustain the country’s achievements.
President Kagame with Senate President Bernard Makuza on his right, Chief Justice Sam Rugege (left), Speaker Donatile Mukabalisa (2nd R) and Prime Minister Anastase Murekezi (R) at the 14th National Dialogue at Kigali Convention Centre yesterday. (Village Urugwiro)
President Kagame with Senate President Bernard Makuza on his right, Chief Justice Sam Rugege (left), Speaker Donatile Mukabalisa (2nd R) and Prime Minister Anastase Murekezi (R) at the 14th National Dialogue at Kigali Convention Centre yesterday. (Village Urugwiro)
Eugene Kwibuka