Stop protecting priests whose hands are dripping with blood

Editor, RE: “Jesus, the ancestors, or both?” (The New Times, May 30). Were animists complicit in the Genocide against Tutsi? But too many of the Christian clergy's fingers are dripping with the blood of the innocent and too many Christians are guilty by association of continuing to remain silent in the face of their Church's determined refusal to recognise and apologise for its role in Genocide.
At Ntarama Catholic Church in Bugesera District, more than 5000 people were brutally killed there during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Today the church is a Genocide memorial. (Net photo)
At Ntarama Catholic Church in Bugesera District, more than 5000 people were brutally killed there during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Today the church is a Genocide memorial. (Net photo)
Times Reporter