Dear editor,As the first world is toiling day and night to rescue their markets after the Wall Street melt down, all is not bad for Rwanda and other small economies. The financial crisis I believe has had its toll on the developed Capital Markets of America, Europe and Asia. However, for Africa where our economies do not even compare to those of these continents, something good could come out. For instance, the recession in the developed world has led to an increase in exports from the underdeveloped nations, Rwanda inclusive. This means more foreign exchange will be earned and development, among other things, will probably continue. But then if we are exporting more and more and the US, Europe and Asia are sucking it all up, what will become of us when our sources run dry? I don’t even want to think about it! Unless a more tactical approach is used where we export our raw materials and products at a higher price and gain more. But then who will buy at these prices, because I am thinking the first world is broke and getting more broke. This whole financial crisis is tricky and confusing and I believe every state should play their cards right because at the end of the day, it will be a ‘survival for the fittest’ war. KIMIRONKO