A crackdown mounted by Rwanda National Police (RNP) on cattle theft led to the arrest of 36 individuals suspected of belonging to this ring in the Eastern Province. The Police Spokesperson for Eastern Region, Inspector of Police Emmanuel Kayigi, said that of recent, cattle theft had begun to manifest in the province especially in the districts of Nyagatare, Gatsibo and Kayonza The operations and investigations are still ongoing to ensure that all those involved in this theft of cows, are apprehended to face justice, IP Kayigi said. According to the officer, their investigations indicate that those involved in rustling are usually farm-workers, who collaborate with operators of abattoirs to raid kraals and steal cattle. “The operation has so far been successful,” he said. It is said that the ring involves abattoir operators in Kigali who provide vehicles to transport the stolen animals and IP Kayigi said no stone will be left unturned in this operation. “Police commends residents who participated in this operation by providing information that we used to track down and arrest the suspects. We also managed to recover some cows which we returned to the respectful owners.” Inspector Kayigi further called upon owners of vehicle to always monitor the operations of their automobiles to avoid facilitating such criminal activities and becoming accomplices. He urged residents to participate in crime prevention by identifying suspects and reporting to police and local authorities in time in order to solve or prevent crimes. editorial@newtimes.co.rw