Dear Doctor, I’ve never taken a lot of sugar in my life and yet my sugar levels are always high. What can I do to rectify this problem? It’s worrying me so much. Victor Dear Victor, It is possible that you may be suffering from diabetes. Normally a hormone called insulin (produced in pancreas), helps to metabolise the sugar consumed, irrespective of its quantity. But in those who lack insulin in sufficient quantity (type 1 diabetes) or when the body’s cells become resistant to action of insulin,(type 2 diabetes) the body becomes unable to handle the amount of sugar consumed. This results in high blood glucose levels. Even with small amounts of sugar consumed, the blood glucose levels become high. Diabetes can occur due to multiple causes. Physical and mental stress, use of tobacco, alcohol, lack of exercise, obesity, malnutrition, genetic factors, all these are risk factors. Apart from these, some hormonal disorders and diseases of pancreas can also cause impaired glucose metabolism and high blood glucose levels. Constant high blood glucose can cause damage to kidneys, eyes, blood vessels, heart and nervous system which increases vulnerability to infections. Diagnosis of diabetes can be confirmed by blood glucose estimations done both in fasting state and within 2 hours of taking a major meal. Examination of the fundus of eyes also provides clue to diabetes. In mild cases, dietary restrictions and regular physical exercises and keeping body weight within normal limits helps to control diabetes. These measures also help to prevent diabetes in susceptible people. One needs to avoid white sugar, alcohol, carbohydrate and calorie rich food and take plenty of fresh vegetables, low calorie fruits like apple, orange and whole grains.