Mainstory: Eastern DRC: Where FDLR sell charcoal to earn a living

“You are very early going to the market at this time,” says a young man selling a variety of products in a bakery shop near Goma town. On top of the bread, the roadside kiosk also sells a range of other products from Vodacom telephony credit cards, cigarettes to bananas. The customers are mostly the early morning commuters in this busy town. In the middle of Goma town is a sprawling outlay of makeshift wooden stalls, like in any other African food market, the stalls are closely linked to each other that shoppers can hardly find walking space.
A market on the outskrits of Goma town. (Photo / G. Kagame).
A market on the outskrits of Goma town. (Photo / G. Kagame).
Times Reporter