
Hope Academy pupils interview Chief Justice

Students from Hope Academy on Monday paid a visit to the Chief Justice, Prof. Sam Rugege. The learners, who were accompanied by their headmaster, Isa Gokturk Yilmaz and other teachers, asked the chief justice a number of questions concerning the judiciary which he happily answered. SOLOMON ASABA was present and recorded the proceedings
Pupils from Hope Academy Rwanda after meeting Chief Justice Prof. Sam Rugege (wearing red neck tie). Third from left is their headmaster Isa Gokturk Yilmaz flanked by his deputy Sefer Zengin (second left) and teacher Racheal Turigye (top right).
Pupils from Hope Academy Rwanda after meeting Chief Justice Prof. Sam Rugege (wearing red neck tie). Third from left is their headmaster Isa Gokturk Yilmaz flanked by his deputy Sefer Zengin (second left) and teacher Racheal Turigye (top right).
Solomon Asaba