And you say I’m not lucky?

There is a saying that I’ve heard about a certain lucky chap and it went something like this; “whenever that guy steps in a bucket of s**t, he comes out smelling like a bouquet of roses”! If you where wondering who that lucky fellow was, let me introduce him…ME. I’ve been in so many situations that should have ended badly but somehow, things end up being okay. I don’t know whether its ‘mother luck or juju’ but all I know is that, if I have a guardian angel ( as I truly believe that I do) the poor fellow is probably the most overworked angel south of the Sahara and north of the Limpopo. Have you ever sat down and wondered why in the world you’ve never been to hospital? It doesn’t make sense; you drug yourself silly with tobacco, alcohol (and sometimes more illicit substances), you travel everywhere on the maniacal taxi moto’s, you eat junk food and never do exercise (slow dancing with a girl isn’t a sport…nor is drinking).
The New Times
Times Reporter