An East African Astronomy workshop expected to improve capacity of young participants to interpret data in various domains of astronomy opens in Kigali today. Organised under the theme; “The Role of Astronomy in Socio-Economic Transformation”, the workshop has attracted experts from the region as well as South Africa, France, Germany and USA. The four-day workshop, hosted by the University of Rwanda –College of Education, will feature lectures on key areas in Astronomy, in addition to research paper presentations. The workshop will also teach young astronomers how to analyse and interpret data in various domains of Astronomy. Dr Pheneas Nkundabakura, an Astrophysicist and Physics lecturer at the College of Education, said the purpose of the workshop is to build capacity in Astronomy and Astrophysics and Space Science as well as provide a forum for astronomers from the region to train young and upcoming scientists. “There already exists a Bachelor’s degree programme in Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and a number of other universities in the region are in the process of curriculum development in the same,” she said. But a statement from organisers noted that none of the individual countries have enough manpower and the resources to run programmes in astronomy on their own which calls for networking and sharing of expertise.