Should I push him to leave his wife for me?

Hi guys I have been having an affair with a guy and it has been going on for a couple of years now. When it started, he never told me he was married and when I finally found out, I was too far gone to care. I met his wife at a party once and judging by their behaviour the whole night, they seemed to have issues. He told me they hardly communicate and that they had decided to get a divorce but it’s been a year now and nothing has happened. One day, I went to meet up with some friends and when I got up to use the bathroom, I noticed his wife with another man. I can swear I saw them hold hands and look at each other in a manner that wasn’t sibling (or friend) - like but I looked away quickly in case she caught me staring. I later confirmed my fears when I saw them kiss and leave together. I am deeply in love with her husband but was going to end the relationship because I believed that he was never going to leave his wife. Now that his wife is cheating on him, maybe that will give him a boost to go ahead with the divorce. Should I tell him?  Annette
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Times Reporter