My friend betrayed me

My husband and I have fallen out with our best friends and it’s causing a nightmare. It started when my friend and I decided to set up a business. She was initially very keen, and as we had some disposable income I invested money in setting up the company, paying for web design and so on. After letting me spend my money, she suddenly decided to take a great job offer elsewhere and not continue the business partnership with me. I know I can’t do it alone and so my money is wasted and I feel badly betrayed. We had a major row, we both said some pretty nasty things and our husbands got involved and now no one is speaking to the other. The worst thing is our kids have grown up together and our daughters are best friends and we’re part of a close-knit social group, so it’s making everyone’s lives miserable. I don’t want to fall out with a friend over money but I also do not want to be taken advantage of. Put yourself in my shoes, what would you do?  Rosette
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Times Reporter