
Premier challenges Nyabihu on modern farming methods

PRIME Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi has urged Rwandans to stick to modern farming to boost productivity and satisfy not only the subsistence, but also the growing regional market for agricultural products. The head of government was addressing residents of Karago Sector in Nyabihu District on Saturday as he joined them in the monthly communal work, Umuganda.
Prime Minister Habumuremyi (L), Gilbert Gumira, the Western Province Police commander, dig terraces during Umuganda in Nyabihu on Saturday. Jean du2019Amour Mbonyinshuti. Courtesy.
Prime Minister Habumuremyi (L), Gilbert Gumira, the Western Province Police commander, dig terraces during Umuganda in Nyabihu on Saturday. Jean d’Amour Mbonyinshuti. Courtesy.
Times Reporter