My bitter ex is now my boss

I was recently hired at an advertising agency and only met with the creative director for the interview. The day I started work, I was introduced to my immediate supervisor and imagine my shock when it turned out to be my ex boyfriend. Things ended badly between us as he caught me kissing another man and even though it never went further than that, he was convinced I was sleeping around and to be honest, how could I blame him? Anyway, I have been at the company for close to a month and call me paranoid but I feel like he is out to get me. He rubbishes every idea I come up with in meetings even when some people think it is a good one. He also yells at me when he needs something like he can’t be civil. The other week, he set a meeting and told me it was at 10am the next day. I came to work usual time, which is 8am, only to find that the meeting was at 7am – he conveniently forgot to tell me that the time had been changed. When I confronted him he told me to get my act together or I would not be with the company for long. I don’t know how much more of his crap I can take. Some advice please? Leah
The New Times
Times Reporter