Today APR vs RAPP 11am KIE vs Ubumwe 12pm Men KIE vs NUR 10am CSK vs Rusizi IPRC vs APR 11am UGB vs Espoir 2pm Sunday Gisenyi vs NUR KBC vs Rusizi 30-Plus vs KIE UGB vs APR The 2014 national women’s basketball championship kicks-off today two weeks after the start of the men’s league. This year’s women’s league will have five teams compared to three in last season. According to the Rwanda Basketball Federation officials, the increase in number of participating teams will make the competition more exciting and competitive. University of Rwanda- College of Education (formerly KIE) and UR-College of Arts and Social Sciences (formerly NUR) are the new teams in the league, joining APR, Ubumwe and Rwanda Allied Peace for Progress (RAPP). “We hope this season will be more competitive and exciting for the fans to enjoy since the number of teams has grown,” Ferwaba secretary general Richard Mutabazi said on Friday. Reigning champions APR start the defence of their title against RAPP at Green Hills Academy at 11am, while Ubumwe, who are fresh from winning the preseason tournament last month, will open against KIE at the latter’s court, starting at 2pm. Meanwhile, the men’s league continues this weekend with four games on Saturday and another four on Sunday.