
Uganda’s National Justice Forum lauds Gacaca courts

Rwanda’s traditional courts, Gacaca, have been commended by the Ugandan Justice, Law and Order Sector (JLOS) for effectively handling the 1994 Genocide cases. “The classic justice didn’t meet expectations because after approximately five years, only 6,000 files out of 120,000 were tried. At this working speed, it would take more than a century to try only 120,000 cases. The conclusion was to look for an alternative solution,” Denis Bikesha, the Director National Service of Gacaca Courts observed.
COMMENDED: Gacaca traditional law courts have been commended by the Ugandan Justice, Law and Order Sector (JLOS) for effectively handling the 1994 Genocide cases.(File photo)
COMMENDED: Gacaca traditional law courts have been commended by the Ugandan Justice, Law and Order Sector (JLOS) for effectively handling the 1994 Genocide cases.(File photo)
Times Reporter