SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — Children from selected sectors in Muhanga district have appealed to local leaders and parents to respect their rights. The children mostly pupils drawn from Musambira, Cyeza, Shogwe and Byimana sectors raised their concerns during recreational competitions held at Misizi grounds on Thursday. The competitions which included poems and music were organised by the African Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE). It was aimed at raising awareness on the value of the African child and the need to protect the Rwandan children, especially the girl child, from abuse and any sort of violence. Through role plays, poems, and songs the pupils castigated parents who deny the girl child, rights to education. Raphael Mushumba, of AEE said that the competitions were the climax of days of awareness campaign on children rights in the area. “The children and their parents have been undergoing continuous training sessions on the rights of the African child. They are aware of their rights and have exhibited this knowledge through drama, songs and this is a sign that they understand their rights,” Mushumba said. Mushumba added that the children are trained in small saving schemes within the created forum and each member is encouraged to rear rabbits as a source of income to meet school needs. During the competitions, AEE also awarded each of the participating forums with cash prizes amounting to Frw170,000. Musambira Forum led by 12-year old Assiah Uwimana, emerged the winner of Frw45,000 first prize. Cyeza took the second position, followed by Shogwe and Byimana in that order. The participating children said that the campaign has left a positive impact among parents. “I used to be mistreated by my parents and denied scholastic materials in the past. But after joining the forum and encouraging others to join, I have been able to rear some rabbits from which I can afford books and pens by myself,” said Vestine Ntakirutimana, 11yrs. Ends