
Search Results for "population" (14666 articles)
L-R : Vaginal microbicides that would prevent STD transmission have been developed ; Government and private health institutions have created increased awareness on the usage of female condoms ( Internet Photo)

Need for HIV prevention amongst women still high

SENTENCED TO LIFE; Deo Mushayidi (R) appearing before court recently (File photo)

Mushayidi gets life sentence

SENTENCED TO LIFE; Deo Mushayidi (R) appearing before court recently (File photo)

Mushayidi gets life sentence

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With determination, the MDGs can be achieved on schedule

L-R : After the deadly earthquake, school children now have where to hide from the scorching sun. (Photo: S. Nkurunziza) ; Immediately after the earthquake classrooms were made of plastic sheetings (Photo: S. Nkurunziza)

Recovering from the earthquake

The New Times

The curse of being an independent-minded African

ActionAid Country Director, Irene Uwamariya speaking at the launch yesterday.(photo T.Kisambira)

Rwanda scales up fight against hunger – report

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Maintaining cabinet will ensure continuity

The New Times

Traditional perception of family planning

President Kagame with the youth from Cu2019wealth countries at Urugwiro Village, yesterday (Photo Urugwiro Village)

Kagame hosts C’wealth youth

President Kagame with the youth from Cu2019wealth countries at Urugwiro Village, yesterday (Photo Urugwiro Village)

Kagame hosts C’wealth youth

The New Times

MDGs overview for Sub-Saharan Africa