
Search Results for "-Vulnerable-students" (15393 articles)
Students dance to the beats of with Patrick Bibarwa Kitoko during the ceremony


Boxing students after showing off their techniques of self defense


A Karate student shows Parents and his fellow students some of his acrobatic skills during the graduation ceremony


ITu2019S OUR BIG DAY! Kitoko thrills the students with his music (All photo / T. Kisambira)


Guests join students to dance to Kitokou2019s beats.

Kitoko thrills guests at Iwawa

PM Makuza awards the best student in bee keeping.photo/T.Kisambira

Excitement as 752 ex-street kids graduate from Iwawa centre

The New Times

Fashion: Colour Block: The trend of 2011

The New Times

Feature: Miracle girl soccer team needs money for the world championship

The New Times

Formal School education is not enough

The New Times

Education ensures sustainable development

no image

Global education partnership meets in Kigali

JCI president, Lydia Hakizimana (Second Right), poses for a photo with representatives of SPARK and BiD Network along with some JCI members. Photo G. Mugoya

JCI to support entrepreneurs