
Search Results for "-Sponsorship-Deal" (14553 articles)
The Minister of Health, Dr Agnes Binagwaho (R) talks to the RMC president Dr. Innocent Gakwaya (C) and Dr. Stephen Rulisa, RMA president after opening the RMC meeting yesterday.The New Times / J. Mbanda

Medics vow to promote professionalism

Amavubi head coach Milutin Micho Sredojevic.

Micho leaving nothing to chance

Simon Johnson

Occupy the Mortgage Lenders

Mzee Ezra Mpyisi says abstinence and morality should be emphasised in schools. The New Times /  Doreen. U

Elders views on condom distribution in schools

A police officer closes down a clinic after the owner disappeared following a botched abortion. Clerics want the act to remain criminal.

Clerics unmoved by NGO’s pro-abortion stance

Finance Minister, John Rwangombwa (C) accompanied by Clavier Gatete, Governor of the central bank (L), and Governor Alphonse Munyentwari in Kamonyi yesterday. The New Times / D. Sabiiti.

Rwangombwa launches Sacco campaign

Finance Minister, John Rwangombwa (C) accompanied by Clavier Gatete, Governor of the central bank (L), and Governor Alphonse Munyentwari in Kamonyi yesterday. The New Times / D. Sabiiti.

Rwangombwa launches Sacco campaign

L-R: Albert Nsengiyumva;James Musoni;Emma F. Isumbingabo.

Ministers to appear before parliament

no image

Sport away this holiday

James Munyaneza

Only moving away from the extremes can redeem our media

Theogene Batumika, Inspector of Education, Bwira Sector in Ngororero District, speaking during the cooperativeu2019s general assembly. The New Times / T. Kisambira.

Teachers set for mortgages

The New Times

Preparing for secondary school exams