
Search Results for "Lake-Kivu" (1589 articles)
Sunny Ntayombya

Rwanda is a good neighbour; perhaps you can do the same?

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10 killed in Karongi floods

(L-R) Peter Katanisa senior Product development and facilities officer, Rica Rwigamba, Head of the Tourism and Conservation, and Faustin Karasira Division Manager RDB during the press conference on Thursday. The New Times / Timothy Kisambira.

Weekly Review

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Vanoil given green light to carry out seismic survey

(L-R) Peter Katanisa senior Product development and facilities officer, Rica Rwigamba, Head of the Tourism and Conservation, and Faustin Karasira Division Manager RDB during the press conference yesterday. The New Times / Timothy Kisambira.

RDB launches new tourism package

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EAC military contingent tour Rubavu

R-L: Juliana  Kantengwa; Juvenal Nkusi;Denis Polisi.

MPs question Rukarara Project lease

The Methane Gas Plant on Lake Kivu.  Rubavu residents want to be prime beneficiaries. The New Times / File.

Rubavu seeks priority in methane gas project

The New Times

Why don’t we harvest this soccer euphoria?

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African army officers begin study tour

The New Times


More Rwandans should learn to appreciate their beauty environment. The New Times / File

Why are locals not enthusiastic about tourism?