
Search Results for "Infrastructure" (13298 articles)
Gender Minister Aloysia Inymba lays a foundation stone for the construction of the Women Opportunity Centre in Kayonza as mayor John Mugabo (R) looks on. The New Times  / S Rwembeho

Inyumba unveils Rw450m women’s project

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Do not despair, Kagame tells Haiti

The New Times

How to Prevent a Depression

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Housing body encourages Rwandans to live in apartments

The New Times

Rwandans are marching where we want to go

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AKILAH students to lead Kigali peace walk

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A Carnegie Mellon Campus will help expedite Rwanda’s IT ambitions

Connie Bwiza who is among the RPF representatives at the partiesu2019 forum in Nairobi. The New Times / Gashegu Muramira.

Weekly review

The New Times

The Fear Factor

President Kagame addressing students and staff of Carnegie Mellon University. Looking on is the president of the University, Jared Cohon. u00a9Adam Scotti

Kagame hails Carnegie Mellon partnership

Prime Minister Bernard Makuza (C) with Internal Security Minister Musa Fazil Harelimana (2nd Left) and Sudanese Interior Minister, Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid during the EAPCCO meeting yesterday. The New Times / John Mbanda

Trans-border crimes slowing dev’t -Makuza

L-R Rwanda's Honorary Consul to Turkey Inanc Cifti, RDB's John Gara and Minister Francois Kanimba unveil the RDB office in Istanbul yesterday. The New Times /Courtesy.

RDB opens office in Istanbul