
Search Results for "President-Paul-Kagame" (10847 articles)
President Paul Kagame in a group photo with the visiting delegation from the United States Congress  at Urugwiro Village yesterday. (Photo/ Urugwiro Village).

US Congressmen to woo investors

(From L-R) Gen Kabarebe, DRCu2019s  Gen. Didier Etumba and Burundiu2019s deputy army chief Maj. Gen. Diomede Ndegeya.

Regional defence chiefs meet over Kimia II

US Congress delegation  together with CHUK senior medical staff at the hospital

US Congressmen to advocate for more funds for Rwanda

President Paul Kagame (R) with WHO Executive Director Dr Margaret Chan at Urugwiro Village Yesterday. (Photo/ J. Mbanda)

Kagame meets WHO, UNAIDS chiefs

Maternity ward: A  mother covers her new born baby while an expectant mother looks on. (Photo / G. Anyango)

Powering rural health centers : Solar energy in Mulindi

President Paul Kagame at the WHO meeting yesterday. He is flanked (L-R) former Botswana President Festus Mogae, Health Minister Dr. Richard Sezibera, WHO chief Margaret Chan and Luis Gomez Sambo, WHO Regional Director for Africa.(Photo: Urugwiro Village)

Kagame challenges Africa on health

The New Times

Do the parties realise that the 2010 campaign is upon us?

President Paul Kagame speaking to residents of Kiyovu after yesterdayu2019s monthly umuganda.( Photo Urugwiro Village)

Kagame joins neighbours in Umuganda

Rwandau2019s top seed Jean Claude Gasigwa is $1250 richer

Gasigwa wins Tanzania Tennis Tourney

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The role of the youth to the future

Richard Mugenzi is contemplating on suing French judge Louis Bruguere

Weekly Review

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50 SME train on book keeping