
Search Results for "Primary" (11009 articles)
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9-YBE classrooms commissioned in Kinyinya

Byumba Hospital Medical personnel extract blood samples for testing HIVAIDS, during the function last Sunday. Photo/ A.Gahene

Church leaders campaign for condom use

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School excitement

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School starts and children say they are ready

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Lisa’s new school

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Schools open today

L-R : Every child has a right to improved  education through access to ICT ;TIG has enabled convicts to gain skills that contribute to community development.

Beware of dark angels in our midst

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World Relief sensitises teachers on HIV/AIDS

L-R : Karama residents after participating in classroom construction at Gikagati Primary School ;MP Connie Bwiza  speaking to Karama residents on Saturday. (Photo / D. Ngabonziza)

MP urges residents to fight domestic violence

How the earth looks like from the moon.

The planet earth and her near neighbours

Jean Bosco Bichamakara, the head of ICCNu2019s Energy Production Program, trains a group of 20 residents how to make briquettes.

Project seeks to save Virunga rain forest

We made it. Hillside 2009 candidates posing for a group photo after receiving awards. (Photo: D. Ngabonziza)

Best PLE pupils awarded