
Search Results for "-Preseason-tournament" (9979 articles)
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Let the Dheli commonwealth games be

Rwanda Cricket Association Secretary General Emmanuel Byiringiro (L) receiving a Frw2m cheque from CSRu2019s Acting Director Oswald Munyandekwe. (Courtsey photo)

Cooperate action boosts Schools Cricket tourney

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KBC look forward to being champs

Basketball federation boss Eric Kalisa Ssalongo (L), seen here talking to Sports Minister Joseph Habineza during last yearu2019s Zone V championship held in Kigali. (File photo)

Quartet to boost U-18 Hoops team

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RRF official tips Apred Ndera to shine

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Rwanda sends 24 to Burundi’s for Daimler Cup

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Rugby is doing it the right way

Tetteh believes Trinidad & Tobago will provide a good challeneg for the Amavubi Stars

Trinidad & Tobago test awaits Amavubi

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Apred Ndera claim Schools rugby title

Rwandau2019s top seed Jean Claude Gasigwa, like all the other local players, failed to get past the first round in Kigali. (File photo)

Players skip K’la tourney

Amavubi head coach Sellas Tetteh

Tetteh quiet over Benin plans

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Russians storm semis