
Search Results for "-Milk-for-all-students" (9720 articles)
The New Times

Human rights? Whose are they?

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Improving teacher’s well-fare is a concern for all

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6687 miles away from home

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Social Website-Friend or Foe

Prime Minister Bernard Makuza shares a light moment with members of the cabinet on Wednesday (Photo T Kisambira)

Weekly review

The New Times

Reflections on sunday : What an easy path to fame!

The New Times

Focus: Value investing



Solar panels at Jali Plant generate up to 250 kilowatts.

An uphill battle for Rwanda`s hilltop solar power plant

Prime Minister Bernard Makuza (L) with Ministers Protais Musoni (C) and Charles Murigande read through the 2010-2017 Government roadmap paper yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

Gov’t spending to increase - Makuza

Prime Minister Bernard Makuza (L) with Ministers Protais Musoni (C) and Charles Murigande read through the 2010-2017 Government roadmap paper yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

Gov’t spending to increase - Makuza

Prof. Silas Rwakabamba

Journalists graduate today