
Search Results for "-Kigali-Friday" (9028 articles)
The New Times

Cine Star Cinema

JOB WELL DONE: Hudu Munyemana (C), Celestin Ntagungira (R)and Eric Ruhamiriza (L) take to the field to officiate a local league match between Rayon Sport and Atraco. (File photo)

Zanaco coach praises quality of Rwandan referees

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RWANDA OTC MARKET REPORT: Monday February 15, 2010

L-R : Rwandau2019s Haruna Niyonzima ;Michael Essien lead his Ghanaian teammates in warm-up before an international game ; Kenyau2019s McDonald Mariga

The invisible region of East Africa

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Accident claims 3 road workers

A local rice farmer demonstrating the use of  the newly introduced rice thresher.(Photo / P.  Ntambara)

Rice farmers get new machine

Georgette Gagnon, Africa Director of Human Rights Watch. A recent report accuses the Rwandan government of limiting political space for people like Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza and others of similar ilk.

Human Rights Watch is offside in its reporting

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RwandAir target 2010 World Cup

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Movie review By Bryan Kimenyi

Marie Louise Nyilinkwaya

Perfect Weekend…. : Marie Louise Nyilinkwaya

The New Times

Cine Star Cinema

Some of the buildings destroyed  by the 2008 earthquake in Rusizi.

Disaster victims : What exactly transpired