
Search Results for "Women-development" (8500 articles)
The New Times

Time to kick out discrimination

The New Times

The betrayed suitor: Why Africa is poor

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IFC completes training of business trainers

Husband and in laws help a wife to sort out beans as she peels off irish potatoes for cooking.

Changing roles of Rwandan men

The New Times

Are Africa’s opposition leaders a solution or a part of the problem?

Some of the cooperative members pose for a group photo at the training. (Photo: D. Sabiiti)

Farmer’s cooperative builds cassava processing plant

One of the late Kanakuzeu2019s daughters holding her  portrait yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

MP Kanakuze laid to rest

The New Times

No, Africa is not its own worst enemy

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UN boosts gender equality programme

DECEASED:  Parliamentarian Judith Kanakuze

MP Kanakuze is dead

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 Rosette Rugamba cuts the ribbon to open the new centre while US Ambassador, Stuart  Symington, looks on. (Photo F.Goodman)

Hospitality training centre opened