
Search Results for "Vincent-Biruta" (983 articles)
The New Times

Celebrating World Teachers’ Day

First Lady Jeannette Kagame poses with graduates of Akazi Kanoze yesterday. The New Times / Timothy Kisambira.

First Lady presides over youth graduation

Dr Vincent Biruta shed more light. The New Times / File.

How the One University scheme will work

A teacher conducting a lesson. The Sunday Times / File.

Celebrating the World Teachers’ Day

Top row (L-R): Agnes  Mukabaranga, Juvenal  Sebishwi, Dr Joseph Karemera;  Bottom row (L-R): Seth Kamanzi,  Henriette Umulisa,  Teddy Gacinya.

Six to leave the Senate

no image

New measures to track education loan defaulters

Dr.Vincent Biruta


Pupils from several local schools developing the scratch software they use to create their own computer games. The New Times / Timothy Kisambira.

New software to enhance science education

Education Minister Dr. Vincent Biruta (L) with Marc Van der Stouwe, the Fund Manager for Innovation for Education Programme at the launch yesterday. The New Times / John Mbanda.

Education sector to benefit from Rwf 9B UK funding

A teacher guides pupils on how to use OLPC computers. The New Times / File.

Call for more investment in education technology

Louise Mushikiwabo


The Minister of Education, Dr Vincent Biruta (C), Emmanuel Muvunyi (R) and Janvier Gasana of Rwanda Education Board received the highly coveted Commonwealth award in Mauritius, yesterday.  The New Times/Courtesy.

Rwanda wins prestigious C’wealth education award