
Search Results for "teeth" (980 articles)
Rachel Garuka


A Rwandan soldier and his Burundian counterpart (L) handling a dental case at Gashora Health Centre. The New Times / John Mbanda.

Regional officers offer free treatment

The New Times

Do you know your farm animals?

no image

I hate people who…

The New Times

Health benefits of citrus fruits

Romeo Abawe

How they stay clean and smart

A dentist treats a patient; Experts say Oral health is a still a major problem among Rwandans. The Sunday Times / J. Mbanda.

Poor hygiene and oral health

Brush your teeth after meals. Net photo.

Looking after your teeth

Stay nice and clean in order to be comfortable around your friends. Net photo.

Are you nice to be near?

Sit in one place when eating food to avoid choking. Net photo.

Choking on food

Rwanda Military Hospital ophtamolohists attend to an inmate at Nsinda prison yesterday.  The New Times / S. Rwembeho.

Over 7,000 inmates get free eye treatment

The New Times

Memoirs of a modern day slave