
Search Results for "world-bank" (7589 articles)
The New Times

Why Target Big Banks?

The New Times

A Movable Financial Feast

RECO & RWASCO clients during the meeting (Photo; A. Gahene)

12,000 to get electricity in Gicumbi

The New Times

Only the Weak Survive

Earthmover at the planned Kigali Economic Special Zone (Photo T.Kisambira)

Business round up

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Social Website-Friend or Foe

The New Times

Europe’s Last Chance

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The New Rwanda is a global model

Prime Minister Bernard Makuza (L) with Ministers Protais Musoni (C) and Charles Murigande read through the 2010-2017 Government roadmap paper yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

Gov’t spending to increase - Makuza

Prime Minister Bernard Makuza (L) with Ministers Protais Musoni (C) and Charles Murigande read through the 2010-2017 Government roadmap paper yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

Gov’t spending to increase - Makuza

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Africa’s green revolution will founder without extra global funding

The man-made lake in Nyarutarama  that is meant to be part of the Kigali City Park. (File Photo)

Kigali City Park re-advertised