
Search Results for "Women-development" (8505 articles)
Nathalie Munyampenda

21st Century Leadership

The National Heroes Mausoleum in Kigali serves as a reminder of citizensu2019 duty to be heroes in their own little ways. The New Times/File.

Heroism the basis of self-esteem, development

The government has embarked on a new strategy that will see at least 80% of the population access clean water in the next two years. The New Times / John Mbanda.

Call to increase access to clean water

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Tears of my mother

Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo (centre) and Rwandau2019s Ambassador to Germany, Christine Nkurikiyinka, before the German parliamentary committees yesterday. The New Times/Courtesy.

Mushikiwabo’s statement to German parliamentarians

L-R: Mark Austin, the World Bank Task Team Leader, Geeta and Hakizimana after the tour on Tuesday. The New Times/ Courtsey.

Karongi irrigation project commended

Graca Machel

A peace agenda for global development

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Editorial: Women Today

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Egyptians in Rwanda mark 2nd anniversary of revolution

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Kagame in Addis for African Union Summit

President Kagame greets the crowd gathered to welcome him in Rusizi last week. The New Times/  File.

When citizens interact with Kagame

Workers lay Fibre Optic Cables in Kigali recently. A 2012 report says Internet access is still minimal across the country. The New Times/ File.

Lack of Mile Network hampers ICT