
Search Results for "Governance" (7707 articles)
Heavy rains have been destroying properties including schools in Rukomo sector in recent years. The Sunday Times / Dan Ngabonziza

Storm victims get iron sheets

IGP Emmanuel Gasana and the British Envoy Llewellyn Jones in a group photo with police trainees yesterday. The New Times /Courtesy.

Rwanda, South Sudan Police officers in joint training

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Good governance ensures aid effectiveness

The New Times

We need more Wangari Maathai’s in this world

The New Times

A Global Agenda for Seven Billion

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Media entities and corruption!

L-R:Dr. Emmanuel Havugimana;Marguerite Mukansanga;Dr.Jean de la Croix Nkurayija;Josepha Nyiracumi


L-R:Hormisdas Rucweli Kambanda; Bellancille Umukobwa;Marie Claire Mukasine;Marie Claire Mukamusonera


L-R:Franu00e7ois Xavier Mpayimana;Jean Fidu00e9le Uwayezu;Fidu00e9le Uwizeye;Jean Franu00e7ois Munyakayanza

Know your southern senate candidates

Minister Protais Musoni.The New Times /File

Musoni calls for innovation

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Bailiffs urged to enforce court orders

Jeanne d'Arc Gakuba will focus on education and social welfare once elected to the senate.

Gakuba to prioritise education and health