
Search Results for "innovation" (6282 articles)
The team behind the first edition of Kigali Business Inspiration. Courtesy photos.

Is innovation solely creativity?

The New Times

Amazing university news

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The post office is embracing ICT

More than 100 participants attended the seminar. The NewTimes / Courtesy.

Rwanda Investment Seminar held in the Netherlands

Minister Protais Musoni.The New Times /File

Musoni calls for innovation

The New Times

A Test to Save Children’s Lives

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Senatorial candidate vows to promote ICT

The New Times

comments: Post Office should try innovation, not denial

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A Carnegie Mellon Campus will help expedite Rwanda’s IT ambitions

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Tweet for change

President Kagame addressing students and staff of Carnegie Mellon University. Looking on is the president of the University, Jared Cohon. u00a9Adam Scotti

Kagame hails Carnegie Mellon partnership

The New Times

The ‘Oyster’ comes to Kigali