Search Results for "MILITARY-HIGH-COURT" (540 articles)
Pope John Paul II and his would be assasin, Mehmet Ali Agca.

Bizarre story of Pope’s failed assassin

Queen Elizabeth

2009 IN FOCUS : 2009: The Year to Remember

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Govt disappointed as ICTR acquits key ‘Akazu’ member

PRESENTED BILL: Tharcise Karugarama

Supreme Court undergoes reforms

Activists of Shiv Sena, a Hindu hardline group, shout slogans as they burn an effigy of Chinau2019s President Hu Jintao during a protest against the Chinese government in New Delhi.

A rivalry on the roof of the world

The head of the visiting Dutch military delegation Col. Ben Klappe addressing a Gacaca session in Nyamugali cell, Gatsata yesterday. (Photo F. Goodman)

Dutch military officials wind up tour

The visiting Dutch military delegation exchanging notes with their Rwandan counterparts at the Ministry of Justice yesterday. (Photo/ J Mbanda)

Dutch military officials hail Rwanda’s judicial system

Former President of Botswana Festus Mogae laying a wreath at Kigali Genocide memorial centre on Tuesday. (Photo F Goodman)

Weekly Review

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Nyamvumba takes up UNAMID post

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Soldier appeals

L-R:TO LEAD FORCE:  Lt Gen Patrick Nyamvumba; SERVED UNAMID:  Maj. Gen. Karake Karenzi; SERVED UNDER AU FORCE: Brig. Gen. Jean Bosco Kazura

Gen. Nyamvumba heads to Darfur

A Congolese journalist admires flags of Rwanda and DRCongo, a sign of the Umoja wetu spirit.