
Search Results for "Ministry-of-Education" (5967 articles)
Irene Munimpundu (L), a librarian at Lycee de Kigali shows around some of the schoolu2019s Old Boys including Christopher Bazivamo (R) and Augustine Mutijima(2R), both members of the newly formed alumni committee, yesterday. The New Times/Timothy Kisambira.

Lycee de Kigali alumni to support school

Connie Bwiza who is among the RPF representatives at the partiesu2019 forum in Nairobi. The New Times / Gashegu Muramira.

Weekly review

(R-L) Senior advisor in MINEDUC,Callixte Kayisire, Transparency Rwanda's Marie Immaculee Ingabire, and Apollinaire Mupiganyi. The Sunday Times /Timothy Kisambira

TR verifies mechanisms to ensure accountability in education system

 Residents prepare bricks for the construction of 9YBE classrooms. Their participation will again be required for the 12BE classes. The New Times /File.

12-YBE to cost over Rwf13bn

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Gov’t urged to invest recovered SFAR loans

Peter Singer

Can We Increase Gross National Happiness?

Children of  Gisimba Orphanage  at Nyamirambo playing. If lucky, these children will have a place to call home. New Times /Photo.D.Umutesi

The gradual downsizing of orphanages in Rwanda

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School milk feeding program in Nyanza hits snag

The Minister of Education with Rwandan Students. Courtesy Photo

Rwandan dons wind up US varsities tour

ICT Minister Ignace Gatare (L) exchanges documents with Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal, chairman and director of Bharti Artel.The New Times / Timothy Kisambira

Weekly Review

Students in a computer lab; Government's plan to distribute computers in all schools is set to enhance student's competitiveness. The New Times /File.

Ministry supplies computers to 9-YBE schools

 A school in Kigali; Government has announced an ambitious plan to connect 300 schools to electricity. The New Times /File.

Rural schools to be connected to power grid