Search Results for "AIR-POLLUTION" (552 articles)
A man shows how a u2018Save80u2019 cooking stove is used. (Athan Tashobya)

‘Wonder Stove’ to save 80% of cooking fuel

The New Times

Any risk of depending on bottled air?

Bju00f8rn Lomborg

The poverty of renewables

Michael Jacobs

The climate-change agenda heats up

A doctor talks to a cancer patient in Butaro Hospital. The Ministry of Health has called for concerted efforts to fight the disease. The New Times/File

Ministry of Health calls for concerted efforts on cancer

Dr  Cory Couillard

Why urbanisation presents new health challenges

The New Times

Ask the Doctor

The New Times

Ask the doctor

no image

Campaign to control car emissions launched

Top: Teaching kids the importance of recycling is fundamental. Bottom: A boy carries matrial to be recycled. Bottom left: You can sort your own recycling items at home. Net photo

Why everyone should recycle

Javier Solana

The Shale Revolution’s global footprint

Dr Cory Couillard

Save a child as we mark world pneumonia day