
Search Results for "-World-Refugee-Day" (530 articles)
L-R:Jean Paul Mugarura;Evariste Rugamba;Cecile Dusabe 22;Augustine Sibomana



What does Rwanda’s Liberation Day mean to you?

The New Times

A few Rwandans yet to be drafted onto the self-liberation train

L-R :  Angella Mulindabigwi; Phoebe Murigande


L-R: Calixte Bucyana; Patrick Nkotanyi;Immaculate Kangwage;John Gihana


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Poem : I am a refugee

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Rubavu to host disaster management conference

The Minister of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs Gen. Marcel Gatsinzi hands over a sewing machine to one of the beneficiaries (Photo; JP. Bucyensenge)

Govt, IOM donate to returnees

6-3 Congolese refugees at Gihembe stage a play denouncing ethnic cleansing of their kin last year (File photo)

DRC refugees seek repatriation

Health Minister Agnes Binagwaho (R) handing over to the new Permanent Secretary in the Ministry Uziel Ndagijimana on Friday. (T Kisambira)

Weekly review

Experts train Rwandans from different sectors on Fire safety management. (Photo J Mbanda).

Ministry conducts fire safety management training

The New Times

Reflections on sunday: The days of Abasiniya