
Search Results for "secondary-education" (4560 articles)
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Student exchange programmes yield results

Some of ULK graduates during last yearu2019s graduation. they should use their acquired knowledge innovatively.

Regulations should not deter initiatives

TOUGH START; Dr Charles Murigande addressing the meeting (Photo; F. Goodman)

Basic education program in crisis

Ruth Mukakimenyi, the coordinator of  the training.

200 attend English course

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The origin of vision 2020

Ex Minister Gahakwa D. of Educ handover to New Minister Of educ.Murigande

Muligande begins work at MINEDUC

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Exam body introduces first practical exams

Rwandau2019s MJ

Meet Rwanda’s living MJ

President Kagame addressing members of the press at the press conference held at Urugwiro Village yesterday (PPU Photo)

I demand results, Kagame insists

Dr Charles Murigande

Reshuffled ministers speak out

L-R: MINAGRI: Dr. Kalibata Agnes, MINEDUC: Dr. Murigande Charles, MINICAAF:  Musoni Protais, MINALOC: Bazivamo Christophe, OUT: Dr. Daphrose Gahakwa.

Mini-cabinet reshuffle

TIME FOR CHANGE: John Rutayisire

RNEC to change marking system